878 research outputs found

    Kaidah Ayat Mutasyabihat dan Kritik terhadap Peringkatnya

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    Sometimes Qur'an verses contained in the Qur'an shaped utterance, expression, and uslub different but means keeping one, it is clearly obvious meaning of the verse, there is more verses of the Qur'an are of a general nature and vague as to cast doubt on a reading up to this verse as ijtihad raises for the mujtahid to be able to return to a clear and unequivocal meaning. This is makes a lot of difference in the opinion of the mujtahid, until in the end arise in various differences such criticism

    Peran Orang Tua Dalam Meningkatkan Hafalan Al-Qur’an Anak Di SD Al Irsyad Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011

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    Sekolah dan orang tua mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk membimbing anak didiknya. Tetapi tanggung jawab sekolah berbeda dengan tanggung jawab orang tua di rumah. Tanggung jawb orang tua adalah mendidik anak dirumah. Kalaupun tugas dan tanggung jawab orang tua dilimpahklan kepada guru di sekolah. Akan tetapi tugas guru hanya membantu orang tua dan bukan mengambil alih tanggung jawab orang tua sepenuhnya. Sekolah Dasar islam al Irsyad Surakarta berusaha mencetak generasi yang mampu hafal Al-Qur’an minimal 1 juz. Anak Menghafal Al-Qur’an dibiasakan sejak dini yaitu dari kelas satu sampai kelas enam. Berdasarkan latar berlakang tersebut, maka permasalahan yang akan diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah peran orang tua dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an anak di Sekolah Dasar al Irsyad Surakarta?, Apa pendorong dan penghambat orang tua dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an anak?. Berkaiatan dengan masalah yang dirumuskan di atas maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah peran orang tua dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an siswa siswi SD al Irsyad Surakarta dan yang menjadi pendorong dan penghambat peran orang tua dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an anak di Sekolah Dasar al Irsyad Surakarta. Dengan tujuan tersebut diharapkan penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat untuk menambah sumbangan pemikiran bagi pengembangan pendidikan dan aktivitas sekolah dan serta sebagai bahan evaluasi terhadap orang tua yang menjalankan perannya. Searah dengan tujuan penelitian tersebut maka jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research), dengan pendekatan deskriptif menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, interview/wawancara, dokumentasi, dan analisis data. Analisis data bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan cara pentahapan secara berurutan serta interaksionis. Dari hasil penelitian dan analisis data serta kesimpulan didapatkan bahwa peran orang tua dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an anak di sekolah dasar al Irsyad Surakarta sebagai berikut : 1. pengontrol hafalan Al-Qur’an anak, 2. pembimbing anak menghafal Al-Qur’an. Dalam membimbing menghafal untuk meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an orang tua menggunakan beberapa metode di antaranya : a. membaca sebelum mulai menghafal, b. istikror, c. menghafal ayat-perayat, d. menggunakan alat teknologi dalam mengajarkan hafalan Al-Qur’an, e. menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif, memprogram hafalan Al-Qur’an anak, f. memotivasi. Adapun pendorong dan penghambat orang tua dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an anak di sekolah dasar al Irsyad Surakarta adalah sebagai berikut yang menjadi pendorong : 1. mendambakan anak yang shalih dan shalihah, 2. menginginkan tercapainya target yang telah ditetapkan oleh sekolah, 3. kemampuan orang tua membaca Al-Qur’an, 4. faktor ekonomi yang cukup, 5. kondusif lingkungan rumah dan masyarakat. Sedangkan yang menjadi penghambat peran orang tua dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an anak adalah 1. minimnya kemampuan dan pengetahuan orang tua tentang Al-Qur’an, sibuk mencari nafkah dan malas. Kata kunci: hafalan, peran orang tua, kerjasama antara orang tua dan sekola

    The usage of social media and e-reputation system in global supply chain : comparative cases from diamond & automotive industries

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    The last decade witnesses a heave use of social media-based information systems in different fields of business such as logistics, procurement, and supply chain management. Managing these types of information systems, could help companies to outsource their supply chain functions in a global scale and enhance their competitive advantages. However, the digital performance of these activities inherent risks of inappropriate supplier selection process, lack of trust, limited information about supply conditions (e.g., pricing, shipping and timing). To address such challenges, this research explains how companies use e-reputation systems and social media to select their global trusted suppliers. Based on two-case evidence from British Diamond and Egyptian Automotive companies, the researchers conducted 20 interviews with purchasing and supply chain professionals. Chen & Lin’s reputation system model has been adopted to explain the process of selecting and evaluating a trusted supplier and to inform our data analysis. Our findings pointed diamond professionals’ lack of experience of how to use e-reputation systems and lack do not understand the role of social media-based ratings or referrals during the stages of selection suppliers’ discovery and approval. Though, automotive professionals find e-reputation system a strong tool to build goodwill, tacit credibility, competence and predictable trust. Ironically, both cases confirm that supply chain professional use these systems to re-evaluate and reselect their existing suppliers than to extend new supply networks. Keywords: e-Reputation Systems, Social Media, Global Supply Chai


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the application of Quran memorization learning at the Al Huda Wonogiri Integrated Islamic Boarding School in 2023/2024 and to find out the Tahfidzul Quran Teacher's strategy in an effort to improve the quality of students' memorization at the Al Huda Wonogiri Integrated Islamic Boarding School in 2023/2024. This research is a type of qualitative research. The data collection methods used by researchers in this study are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity check is a technique to test the validity of the data in order to measure the validity of the results the researcher takes the credibility criteria with the triangulation technique. This research will use data analysis techniques with the Miles and Huberman interactive model, this model starts from collecting raw data, displaying data, reducing data and concluding data. The results of this study, from several programs and strategies, resulted in the students' memorization being able to be listened to during prayer and it can be said that the application of the Quran tahfidzul teacher's strategy produced sweet results in the fluency and quality of memorizatio


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the application of Quran memorization learning at the Al Huda Wonogiri Integrated Islamic Boarding School in 2023/2024 and to find out the Tahfidzul Quran Teacher's strategy in an effort to improve the quality of students' memorization at the Al Huda Wonogiri Integrated Islamic Boarding School in 2023/2024. This research is a type of qualitative research. The data collection methods used by researchers in this study are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity check is a technique to test the validity of the data in order to measure the validity of the results the researcher takes the credibility criteria with the triangulation technique. This research will use data analysis techniques with the Miles and Huberman interactive model, this model starts from collecting raw data, displaying data, reducing data and concluding data. The results of this study, from several programs and strategies, resulted in the students' memorization being able to be listened to during prayer and it can be said that the application of the Quran tahfidzul teacher's strategy produced sweet results in the fluency and quality of memorizatio

    The Analysis of Prophet Isa's Status in Quran: The Study of Mufassir and Modern Intellectual

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    The issue expressed by the academic community is whether Prophet Isa has died or not. If he has not dead yet, is it true that Prophet Isa will come down at the end of the age, and if he decides it what his task will be? Jesus the Prophet will descend to the world again as a just judge and give an explanation to the Christians who has deviated their belief that Isa is a God, or part of God's personality. Concerning the arrival of Prophet Isa, the majority of modern mufassir does not believe, because the existing argument is not qath'iy (definite), all the hadiths that inform him is ahad (narrated by one, two person or more), not mutawatir (narrated by a number rawi /writer of hadith). For strengthening aqidah dalil must be qath'iy, while hadith is mutawatir

    Kajian Kitab Tafsir al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an Karya al-Qurthubi

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    Adanya sejumlah keberatan terhadap model penafsiran yang dilakukan oleh ahli hukum, karena terlalu bersifat atomistis dan harfiah sehingga sering mengaburkan program besar Alquran sebagai petunjuk dan pengatur seluruh aspek kehidupan. Dan hal yang paling mencolok dalam kitab Tafsir al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an adalah kitab tafsir ini lebih istimewa karena tidak terbatas menafsirkan ayat-ayat hukum dan persoalan fiqih saja, tetapi lebih dari itu tafsir ini mencakup semua aspek tafsir dan ayat-ayat yang tidak berkenaan dengan hukum juga ditafsirkan oleh al-Qurthubi. Dan juga al-Qurthubi di dalam penafsirannya tidak ta'assub dengan mazhab Maliki

    Implikasi Mazhab Qira'at Alquran dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Qira'at al-Quran is a particular school in the pronouncation of the Quran adapted by a priest qira'at that is different from other schools based on the narrative which is connected to the Prophet PBUH. and rated mutawatir. Such as qira'at al-sab' and qira'at al-'asyarah. The occurence of difference qira'at it is influenced by many factors
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